Kojin - Fire Goddess

tokyo ☀   18C
28 November, Sunday - Sun day, moon in Virgo.
(the 23rd day of the 10th lunar month).

Kojin (Fire and Kitchen goddess) Autumn Fest.
It is held annually on the last weekend in November.
     Where?  at Kaiunji (Minamishinagawa 3-5-21,
        3 min walk from Keikyu Aomono Yokocho station).
Shinagawa people love this three-head fire deity.

Many stalls as always.
There are quite few lights inside the temple.
People write their wishes on wooden pieces,
and Bonzu burns.
Burned very well!

(Our wishes might be helplessly strong enough....)

↑ The folks queued up.

 Now our wishes are floating up high into the sky. Well-done.

Hello, Kojin-sama, are you there?
Ummmm.You need a hot bath and a massage.