12 June, Sunday - Sun day, moon in Scorpio,
the 11th day of the 5th lunar month.
Here are the links on the PM talks entitled ''Natural Energy''
(natural and renewable energy sources).
Live stream; http://nettv.gov-online.go.jp/prg/prg4972.html
Edahiro Junko (Environmental Journalist)
The inquiry conducted after the Fukushima disaster shows
84% of Japanese oppose the use of the nuclear power in the future.
Son Masayoshi (Chairman and CEO of SoftBank Mobile Corp.)
The material shows the various renewable energy sources,
the possibilities of generating alternative power energy,
and the Natural Energy Conference that Mr. Son proposes.
33 prefectures (70%) have declared that they will join the
conference which is to start from July 2011, and will share
the know-how on alternative energy activities.
(Oh boy, Tokyo won't take part in! Governor Shintaro is so poor
/ old to think on the future power system needed in Tokyo!)
I was moved on the quote that Mr. Okada, one of the speakers introduced.
''We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.''
(the American Indian quote).
We, human beings have been squeezing natural resources since ancient times.
And now, can we return something to the earth?
I stay away from self-centred people, who always keep talking about 'I-My-Me'.
Because such people tend to be dependent, expecting selfish benefits all the time
instead of giving anything to others.'
But... Wait a minute, To think about natural resources, I have been borrowing
without returning.
What a shame... Yes, I must return now.