
tokyo ☁/☂  6-11C, H86%, W-NW,
Tuesday - Mars day,
14 Mar,
moon in Libra,
the 17th day of the 2nd lunar month.

Oddly, Valentine's day in Japan, women gives
chocolates to men. Then, men give candies/ cookies to
women in return on the White day, 14th of March.
Japanese women office workers say that they spend more than
5,000yen ($50) for Valentine's gifts, giving
3-500 yen small chocolate box to their colleague,
and 2500 yen box to a boyfriend.
Bai-Gaeshi is literally, double (bai) return (kaeshi).
Some women, especially young Japanese women 
expect double returns on the White day.
I heard Bai-gaeshi many times today.

Double returns in one month?
Profitable business, indeed.